I have a habit that I've kept up since being in Cambodia; I'll almost always guess what the time is before checking (or asking Ruth). I want to know if I've "spent" the time well, or to see if my balance of time is enough for what I want to accomplish in a day. Played music, finished the shopping and cleaned the house before 11am on a Saturday? Awesome, plenty of time left in the day. Got back from work, rested a bit, cooked dinner, did some marking (Americans - grading) and it's 9pm? Darn.
Many of you would do similar - we are always aware of time passing and evaluating whether our current use of time is indeed the best. Events such as getting stuck in traffic or queuing behind a person in the checkout line who appears to be purchasing one of everything in the entire store leave us thinking "what a waste of time", or "I could be doing x, y and z right now!" Even positive experiences such as being able to go home early from work, or being released from family responsibilities make us aware of how much "free time" we have, which we will undoubtedly regret wasting when it is finished.
I don't know if it comes from our busy lives, or from our awareness of lost earning potential (If I earn $30 an hour and I'm stuck in traffic for 30 minutes, I've essentially lost $15!), but back in Australia, time was a daily resource that was either used or wasted.
This view of time appears to be completely contrary to what we observe in Cambodia.
Be mindful that this is my own opinion and may not be the case for all (or any) Cambodian people, but it is one way to explain the relaxed pace with which many people live their lives, or the relatively high tolerance to interruptions resulting in loss of time (traffic, lateness, break-downs). Motodups and tuk-tuk drivers will wait on the corner for what may be hours, eating and occasionally resting in their tuk-tuks until a fare comes around. Shop owners sit in empty stalls waiting for customers, placing down their bowl of noodle-soup or pausing the video on their phones for a few minutes before returning. But a lot of this is accompanied with the sounds of talking and laughter while they pass the time with those in similar circumstances.
What is it that lets these people, who are not earning anywhere near a good wage (see Ruth's earlier post), have families to feed and their own aspirations/dreams, have such a seemingly positive attitude to the passing of time? Is it that they are so grateful for the opportunity to earn that they don't mind the hours passing? Are they so thankful that Cambodia isn't where it was just 40 years ago when the Khmer Rouge began the massacre of 20% of the population? Or is it that their wage is so low that lost earning potential, or the realistic fulfillment of their dreams doesn't even factor in?
I don't know.
Is this something that we need more of in the West? Maybe. Or is our budgeting of time a natural consequence of the wealth and opportunity that presents us with so much potential?
All I know is that it seems to confer resilience to the day to day events which make up life here in Phnom Penh, be it the aforementioned breakdowns and late tuk-tuk drivers, or being stuck on a 5 hour bus ride to cover 170km. And when that's us on the 5 hour bus ride to Kep, we could do with some of that resilience.
Many of you would do similar - we are always aware of time passing and evaluating whether our current use of time is indeed the best. Events such as getting stuck in traffic or queuing behind a person in the checkout line who appears to be purchasing one of everything in the entire store leave us thinking "what a waste of time", or "I could be doing x, y and z right now!" Even positive experiences such as being able to go home early from work, or being released from family responsibilities make us aware of how much "free time" we have, which we will undoubtedly regret wasting when it is finished.
I don't know if it comes from our busy lives, or from our awareness of lost earning potential (If I earn $30 an hour and I'm stuck in traffic for 30 minutes, I've essentially lost $15!), but back in Australia, time was a daily resource that was either used or wasted.
This view of time appears to be completely contrary to what we observe in Cambodia.
Be mindful that this is my own opinion and may not be the case for all (or any) Cambodian people, but it is one way to explain the relaxed pace with which many people live their lives, or the relatively high tolerance to interruptions resulting in loss of time (traffic, lateness, break-downs). Motodups and tuk-tuk drivers will wait on the corner for what may be hours, eating and occasionally resting in their tuk-tuks until a fare comes around. Shop owners sit in empty stalls waiting for customers, placing down their bowl of noodle-soup or pausing the video on their phones for a few minutes before returning. But a lot of this is accompanied with the sounds of talking and laughter while they pass the time with those in similar circumstances.
I don't know.
Is this something that we need more of in the West? Maybe. Or is our budgeting of time a natural consequence of the wealth and opportunity that presents us with so much potential?
All I know is that it seems to confer resilience to the day to day events which make up life here in Phnom Penh, be it the aforementioned breakdowns and late tuk-tuk drivers, or being stuck on a 5 hour bus ride to cover 170km. And when that's us on the 5 hour bus ride to Kep, we could do with some of that resilience.