Monday, 8 December 2014

Our Life in Boxes

It's been a busy week for us in Hedland- we finally finished getting our medical forms done after many trips to the doctor and the hospital, and our attention has turned to getting our unit in order.  Pretty much everything we own is either being prepared for boxing or getting sold.  Ruth has been very stressed and sneezing a lot from all the dust (it just appears, we swear!).  Having to plan for multiple trips has made it a bit more difficult, as we need to have clothes for our last week here, a box ready to go for England, and a box ready for Cambodia.  We've been quite fortunate to have good luck at our online sales, with most of our things going for very close to the price we paid for them, and I'm using this as evidence to Ruth that my online shopping habits aren't so costly after all.  After Ruth put in a solid afternoon of vacuuming and organising the house, we're now seeing mostly empty space, and we're a bit more hopeful about getting this all done without much more stress.

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