Friday, 27 February 2015

Impressions- Home, Work and Play

I'd really like to be able to give people at home a good picture of what it is that we see here in Cambodia in our day to day. So here's some more impressions of things both physical and cultural...

Home- Housing differs greatly from the thatched cottages-on-stilts of the rural regions to the cement-city that is Phnom Penh, as would be expected. Yet within our neighbourhood itself there is a staggering differentiation between how people live. The majority of people in Phnom Penh live in p'teah l'vangs, tall skinny 2-3 story buildings with up to 4 bedrooms (often housing a whole extended family). They only seem to come in one layout and are all identical on the inside (and the outside, save for the garish paint-colour schemes). Yet our neighbourhood, on the outer part of town in Sangkat Teuk Thla, has very few of these apartment-like houses. Instead, there is a strong contrast of very rich and very poor. Ben and I live in one of the 'rich' houses, a villa. Luckily, ours is the smallest around (also the brightest, being fluoro orange) and we only have half of it- another family will soon rent the rest- so we do not feel too bad. But some of these villas are full-on-mind-blowing mansions. They average at 3 stories high, must have around 10 rooms or more (too many for even a Khmer extended-extended family), spiraling staircases and massive glittering chandeliers positioned in giant windows for all the world to see. Most have giant tacky Romanesque columns (the more the merrier) that hold no structural value, and lavishly embellished front gates that make those of Buckingham Palace itself look cheap.

I have not seen homes like this even on the millionaire river-front back home in Perth. And then, right next door, will be an old, black-stained and falling apart building that has a deep dark corridor. And either side of that deep dark corridor is lined with single rooms where entire families live, often 10-12 families on one floor alone. Imagine a family of six all living in one small room? These little 'communes' are scattered all around our neighbourhood, and each one may have a sole water supply and bathroom area that each of the 10-12 families share. Because of the limited space inside the one-room homes, the families spend their evenings outside on plastic mats and little stools, using the street as an extension of their homes.

*I'm still figuring out how to get to grips with such a contrast. How can the rich be SO rich and happily build such disgustingly-excessive palaces next to their impoverished neighbours, without batting an eyelid? What do the poor think? Are they settled with the idea and content in Buddhism that this is just the way the world works, and perhaps they will have the mansion in their next life? Perhaps it is better this way, to have the rich and poor in the same vicinity so there is at least a forced acknowledgement of the economic differences, rather than segregation and ignorance?

Work- The Khmer idea of work is also very different to our own. Work in Cambodia is a necessity only, and that is very obvious from the faces of the hundreds of women we see trudging down the market street around 6pm every evening on their way back from the garment factories. Very few Khmers work in the area that they want to or enjoy, but work long hard hours for a small wage and in often very poor conditions, purely because that's the best they can get. Men typically have very hands-on jobs like the 'kamekorsomnog', who spend the day high on top of rickety bamboo scaffolding in construction, or in factories mass-producing plastic goods. Others are moto mechanics, own little restaurants or stores, or travel around selling shelfish or collecting recycling from little carts by the side of the road. Women have quite different jobs to the men. As mentioned, thousands of women across Cambodia work in the sweat-shop garment factories, sometimes sitting for 12 hours a day or more behind a sewing machine in a large warehouse on the outskirts of town.

Women also are the primary vendors in markets; selling clothes, shoes, dry goods, homewares and fruit, vegetables and meat. Many women in our neighbourhood are 'mei p'teah', or housewives, and by goodness does that word mean something here. They often have 4-5 children who are snotty and dirty from playing in the piles of sand or rubbish on the side of the road. The women are the first to wake up, they head to the market to buy the day's fresh food (there are no fridges so no food can be kept) and then spend the day preparing it with mortar and pestle until they have wonderful smelling concoctions of spices ready to cover their meager meals of dried fish and rice. Doing the washing alone is tough work- we currently do not have a washing machine so I am doing it all by hand Khmer style; squatting on a wet floor with a tub of cold soapy water and a brush, and that's it.

(Please excuse these terrible photos, it was first thing in the morning). By the end, my hands are wrinkly and red from the scrubbing and the rinsing and the wringing. To do this daily for a family of 6 would take it out of me!

Play- While the Khmer's often work very hard during the day (apart from the hour or so midday when everyone seems to be awol- breaking for lunch or snoozing on the back of their tuk tuk), one thing they do very well is to NOT work when they are not at work. Work does not come home with them. It is very clear that one works when at work, and one plays when at home (well, apart from the women who do their never ending work at home). The Khmer love their games, and especially around Chinese New Year; their gambling! There is a family (or three, it's hard to tell) who live down the road who are always -every evening after dark- playing cards and having a hoot. It makes me nervous to see them throw down the thousands of riel, knowing that the 25 cent notes still mean a decent amount to them, but if it is amongst their friends and helps them get through it all then why not. They certainly have fun doing it. Another past time is volleyball. There is a court- well, it's a large patch of dirt that has two old broken nets strung haphazardly across it- just around the corner from us, and every evening from around 4.30-7pm there are games on!

The young men hoist up their pants and take off their shirts and really get into the volleyball. It may even be a different game as they seem to use their feet and heads and any body part they can to hit the ball over the net. The whole neighbourhood comes out to watch. Other popular after-work past times include playing football in the street, snooker at some dark shed full of pool tables, plenty of beer and few women, and 'tv houses'. From what i've seen, these are primarily used in both the mornings and evenings. They are essentially open sheds with a big tv and lots of rows of chairs, and as many folks around here do not own a telly, they come to these quaint cinemas to watch their Khmer soaps (or horror films) and enjoy an well-earned ice coffee.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Don't do, Just be.

With my facebook filling up with photos of my friends' graduations, I should announce that mine came too! I've got the shiny pieces of paper that are my degrees! (Well, scanned photos of the shiny pieces of paper- email was the safer option, it's too risky to send them in the mail, but thanks mum!)

I am little sad that I didn't get to attend a formal ceremony, or experience the long boring speeches of Deans I never met, but mostly sad i'm missing out on wearing the sophisticated robes and funky hat of a distinguished Murdoch University Alumni. But graduating in Cambodia is much more interesting........ isn't it?

My life goal for the last 5 years has been get into Uni, study community development, earn my degrees and head overseas to start saving the world. Well, check, check, check. I've checked all the boxes. I did it. I'm now here in Cambodia; developing country 101, a nation haunted by it's history of war and genocide, famine and poverty. There are over 450 NGOs here all dealing with Cambodia's numerous and wicked problems like food insecurity, poor health and sanitation (resulting in Malaria, consumption, malnutrition etc), education and youth empowerment, human and sex trafficking, environmental degradation and deforestation. Surely, somewhere in there is a space for me? All I have ever wanted is to help out and give back to this country that moved me so deeply as an 11 year old. But now that i'm here, I'm finding that I really am like every other fresh-out-of-Uni graduate; a small fish in a very big (and polluted!) pond. I'm pretty sure everyone has gone through this phase in their life. What happens next? The struggles of finding work and figuring out my purpose are real now. Was it a bad idea moving to Phnom Penh before we knew what would be there for me? Am I even ready? My first few weeks here, I really battled with these questions. Becoming and adult and finding full time work is scary enough in a first world country, let alone a third world one. If I do find work, I will likely be earning a Khmer wage (around $300-500 a month) with no superannuation, formal leave accumulation or any of the other protections we sometimes take for granted in Australia. At least development work is meaningful, right?

Over the last few days, I've been feeling more and more that maybe God's plan for me right now isn't to work straight away. Maybe I'm not here to 'do' right now. Maybe I'm here to 'be'. The longer I am here, the more I am realising that I have a lot to learn about this country- it's problems, it's culture, it's people- and that maybe i've been given this time to learn it.

Taking the language classes has really helped cement this thought. I've completed my first full week! Class runs from 8.30am-noon, and is 3 hours of vocabulary, conversation and phonetics! (It's quite tricky actually, having to learn IPA as well as Khmer is like learning 2 languages!). It's a great school with two lovely teachers and fun classmates (there are 10 of us).

It's early in the game, but I think I will do well. We had only planned (and budgeted) for me to do Level 1, but most of the other students are going to do the full year through. They say Khmer is one of those languages that you CAN become fluent in after just one year of study. I am quite jealous of my classmates' time and funds- how i'd love to be able to hold proper conversations with the Khmer in their own language! It would also be a huge bonus for my work. Oh well, we'll just have to see how we go, and maybe scrape enough savings to do another level.

Studying for just the first half of the day gives me time where I can actually just 'be'. It's a learning process in itself, to not worry about what i'm meant to 'do' here, but I've decided to intentionally take an "absorbtionist approach" (yes I did just make that up) and try to experience and really get a feel for 'life' here in Cambodia.

So far this has meant afternoon walks to the market, the train-line (it's very picturesque) and around our neighbourhood every day, just to explore and get the locals familiar with having two 'barangs' frequenting their streets and lives. I've picked up drawing and painting local images like Wats and motos and fishing boats, while Ben is really improving on his photography. (You can see his work at I'm also starting to pay attention to Khmer-style cooking and am experimenting with the fresh goodies I find in the market around the corner. Just last night, I made a delicious Tom Ka Gai soup and Fried Rice all from scratch. They were some of the best dishes I'd ever cooked, and not because I'm amazing (I didn't follow a recipe so they could have gone to pot) but because the ingredients are so real and fresh and perfect!
I was so exited when I discovered a little lady who sells crushed lemongrass- and threw in some galangal root, chilis and kaffir lime leaves- all for just 25cents!!! 

In the evenings, I've been pulling up my little plastic stool with our next door neighbours who sit outside the little dried-goods corner shop they own. They're great, I just pop round there for some salt or noodles or an extra egg when I run out! Anyway, they speak no English and I like to practice my Khmer with them. Yes, they find it hilarious. I show them my 'kekap'teah' (homework) and try interviewing them. It's very interesting to find out about people with the limited Khmer that I have. For example, the eldest woman, my 'om srey' (because she is older than my mother) came to Phnom Penh from the furthest of the provinces near Thailand, and was married at just 14 years old! They also help me learn what different items in their shop are called. I talk to our landlord's family for more complex topics, for they speak a little English and can help answer my questions about the grammer or when to use which words (such as addressing people, I remember mum talking about how tricky it is trying to guess someone's age and give them the proper title accordingly!). Our landlord's family are such a kind people- why, just yesterday I went outside to water the plants to discover there was an extra orchid hanging there! Turns out they'd gone and bought us another, just because. So lovely.

It may sound awfully artsy-fartsy, but I really think that the more I learn about these small things like shopping, interacting with our neighbours or cooking, the better grasp I will get on the Khmer culture and language, that will help set me up proper for when it IS time to 'do'.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

I can fly!

Not really, but this week has been a good one and has left me feeling much more free. As time goes by we are needing to devote less and less time to things such as purchasing furniture or plates, and instead we are able to relax a bit more and just explore a little around our area, saying "hello" to many of the kids and adults around the neighborhood.
Earlier this week we were looking for a printing company so I could print a few of my photos to decorate the house (photo printing is MUCH cheaper here than in Australia), a trip which lead us to Opennet - one of the internet retailers in Phnom Penh. It's important to note that home phone and internet is not at all common here, and many houses are built without any phone lines (including ours). So, how do you get wired home internet when you don't have a phone line? 3 men, a tuk tuk, a ladder and a roll of cable.
Seriously. They were waiting outside the gate when I got home (Ruth was inside, but they didn't ring the bell). After a brief discussion about where the modem would go (i.e. where the cable needed to go) they left, saying that they would be "back with the internet" (I may be paraphrasing). So off they went to run a few hundred metres of cable to the house. I finally understand a bit about why the power poles are in such a mess - the lines aren't laid down initially, with houses being connected to pre-existing wires as they are built. Instead, EVERY single house that connects to the internet or power receives a new line, which just goes on top of every other line.

Long story short - we now have stable internet in the house and I can watch Youtube and access my online library of games!

We have also been social this week - on Wednesday we went out for dinner with some teachers from the school at a tiny Chinese restaurant with awesome noodle soup and fried dumplings, coming to about $3 each. Actually getting there on a tuk tuk cost about the same -_-

Which brings me on to the latest development - we have a moto! Well, not 100% yet. My friend who helped us out with the furniture and fridge has allowed us to use her family's moto for the week, and if we're OK with it, they'll let us buy it for a great price! So this evening we rode around a bit and to dinner with some more friends from school, with wonderful food and a game of fishbowl. Moving to this new place together has definitely given us more confidence to go out and socialise as a couple, instead of one-by-one like we had to do in Hedland. It was also exciting riding around on the near-empty road (due to Chinese New Year) at night with Ruth on the back.

To see more photos from the internet saga and just general life, including a small adventure today, check out the album below (click here to view all photos from Phnom Penh)

Monday, 16 February 2015

Bicycle, bicycle, I want to ride my...

I finally finished a week of full-time teaching at Logos! Last week the high school students were away on Bible camp, so I was short one class. It's always comforting to know that you can stand on your own two feet. I'm also getting to know the students better, and what an awesome bunch of people! Just getting to know so many young people, and to get to have an impact in their lives is the best part of the job. The staff lunches at Logos are pretty incredible too.

In other news, my friend Chenda (originally from Cambodia, who's...back in Cambodia for a while) who I know from Hedland was incredibly generous and, in addition to driving us around and helping us buy Rattan furniture, gave us a fridge! It was great to see a familiar face, and without her it would have likely taken us three times as long, and cost twice as much.

I finally took my camera out on one of our excursions - on Saturday we went to buy a bike, and then to the Russian market to pick up some things for the house and also a Cambodian violin! I've wanted one like it for years (Chinese violin / Erhu) but there is no way Australian customs would allow the importing of a probably untreated hunk of wood with animal skin on it. At least not without additional fees. So I was lucky enough to find one for $13, and after three long weeks, I now have an instrument here in Cambodia (everything else is still in Perth). I've been getting by with sneaking into the music room during lunch and playing the piano for a minute or two. I may even have a video up later of me trying to play the Cambodian violin later this week.

So, onto the photos from our outing - I hope this helps you get a feel for what Phnom Penh is like. Make sure to click through, or click the link on the bottom right to access the album with captions on Flickr.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

A Week of Ups and Downs

This last week was definitely a learning journey, and had its ups and downs (for me anyway).

It started out pretty well as we moved into our new house on the Saturday, filling up a tuk tuk with our suitcases and then going out with a friend to buy rattan furniture. This was then delivered to our door all at once; 16 pieces of furniture on 1 tuk tuk!

It's quite interesting, the Khmer's have an amazing talent for handiwork in rattan, but they themselves prefer large wooden furniture in their homes, such as hardwood beds, solid wooden couches (they're NOT comfortable) and big thick dining tables with rigid-back chairs that are too heavy to move! Furniture seems to be quite a matter of prestige, because the large, thick, chinese-dragon carved hardwood (mostly teak) is very expensive and therefore a luxury that many middle class Khmers will fill their living rooms with to show their wealth.

Anyway, so we nestled in nicely on our first day. On Sunday, we were planning to have a relaxed day at home, but the power went out (we hope this will NOT be a normal occurrance!), so I took Ben downtown to see Psar Thmey, or Central Market; a giant colonial dome market built by the French in their occupation of Cambodia as Indochina.

It is a very impressive architectural site, and as a market it is just as interesting inside. We got quite lost in the corridors of clothes and jewelry, electronics and kitchenware, meat, fruits, flowers and vegetables. Ben had a wonderful time exploring! We also took a walk by the River Tonle which joins the Mekong, and Ben had a chance to briefly see the Royal Palace and National Museum from the outside. We'd decided on having pizza as a special treat at a Western/Khmer cafe on the riverfront, but it was at this time my body decided it had food poisoning from something earlier in the day. I spent the meal on my knees on the wet floor of a Khmer bathroom and later in the back of a tuk tuk speeding to get me home. I did not get to enjoy my pizza.

I was also unwell on Tuesday, and after lopping off 50cm of hair from my head and going brunette, had a bit of a breakdown. When you've been on the road for months, living out of suitcases, away from family and are now home alone in a foreign country (for this is not the same Phnom Penh I once knew), you begin to question your identity. Your other half is back at work, you yourself are currently unemployed, are feeling disconnected, struggling to communicate with locals and wondering about your future here, so all the stress and fatigue catches up with you. It would be easy to leave the struggles out of a blogpost, but I don't want to pretend it is not difficult at times; we didn't move here to have an easy life. Part of it all is learning to manage and cope with these difficulties and rely 100% on God.

Wednesday was a real game changer. After being a bit unstable the few days before, I contacted some old family friends who still live in Phnom Penh; the Applebys. 12 years ago, we were the only 2 Australian families to attend Hope International School. They were fantastically kind and took me out to lunch with their new baby daughter, and we went on some errands such as visiting the post office, the vaccination clinic, the bank and a new supermarket (that sell exciting things like flour and yogurt and even arnotts' biscuits!!!). They've lived here for over a decade, and really helped to show me that one CAN learn the language, can maintain a family and their sanity whilst overall surviving well in this crazy and chaotic country. My new-found confidence helped me attend my first lesson at Gateway to Khmer language school on the Friday morning, where we got a basic introduction to the course and started learning phonetics. I am the only non-American in a class of 10, so the phonetics part was a little tricky with all my classmates' accents haha! Shy and nervous at first (and late as the traffic was TERRIBLE at 8am, and my poor motodup was weaving in and out of other motos, pushy 4wd's and crammed-out-the-window minivans), I soon got over it and am now very excited to learn more Khmer!

After class, I met up with the Applebys again and attended a very special (and emotional) celebration. Hope International School, where I attended from 2003-2005 as one of around only 250 students at its beginning, has now grown to nearly a thousand, with multiple campuses across the country. The Phnom Penh site where my sisters and I attended has had to move, and Friday was the very last day on the old site. There was a large assembly, and there I was reunited with some very old friends and the principle who still remembered me. I was the oldest student there (and believe me, being graduated from University and married made me feel it!) but it was so cool to know that a very small number of people still recognized me :')

       (The principle and his eldest son (who was in Katie's class and WAS half my height!)

The above photo is a picture of 'the murals', some now old and 'famous' paintings at the school done by students of their own countries back in good old 2003 when the school was new and needed some colour. The artists of the Australian mural were myself and my two sisters, and one of the Appleby girls. I was in year 7 at the time, Katie was in year 5, and Esther and Sarah Appleby were in year 2 (I think), with Johanna too young to paint! But here it is now; cracked and faded with half of the artists, all grown up, because THAT is what 12 years looks like!!

                                        (Katie and Esther we were thinking of you!)

I will greatly miss this campus and all the people I met and memories that I made there. Although it was only 2 years, Hope International School changed my life, and is part of the reason why I am back in Cambodia today :')

Friday, 6 February 2015

Is this the Riel Life?...

... is just one of the many puns with which I now annoy Ruth (Riel is the official currency of Cambodia).  We've been here two weeks now and for me at least, things are starting to feel normal.  The rhythm to crossing the road, the constant grit in between your teeth when you're in the back of a tuk tuk (even though you're breathing through your nose) and even the late night neighborhood karaoke.  Speaking of money, it's difficult keeping three currencies running in your head - $1 USD is approximately 4000 Riel, and at the time of writing, the Aussie dollar is getting hammered with $1 AUD being worth about $0.78 USD :(.  So whenever we're out, we constantly need to flick between USD and Riel to communicate with tuk tuk drivers or to haggle at the market, all the while converting USD back into AUD so we can compare it with our general sense of worth.  To make matters more complicated, there is no central holding of US currency- it's just kind of used as an alternative.  While it helps keep the wallet manageable (the highest Riel note I've seen is 10,000 = $2.50 USD), there is no way of replacing damaged US notes.  As a result, notes with imperfections are commonly turned away.  Just now, we tried to pay for dinner with a $10 note with the smallest nick in one of the corners (about a 2mm tear), and Ruth had to argue for them to accept it!

Even though my sense of direction is practically non-existent, and my Khmer is even worse, getting around has been made easier by a few things:
1) quite a few locals (or at least someone in the general area) speak a small amount of English
2) Ruth does a brilliant job at basic communication and has an incredible sense of direction (except for the other day when she overruled me in a tuk tuk and we went in the opposite way), and;
3) I can Google "How to say X in Khmer" and crudely sound out the word or show them the writing.

The biggest shock to me is probably not the locals, but instead the overwhelming presence of the American accent at school!  It was so strange at first that I accidentally said "class" with the nasal twang.  The shame.  But now it has joined the list of things that were quite jarring at first but now completely normal.

Speaking of school, wow.  I likely underestimate how important Logos has been for me settling in here - it provides the routine and the opportunity for social interaction that helps anchor my experience here.  To be honest, I would have probably struggled much more if I didn't go to school during the week.  The facilities are great and the community is unbelievable.  The staff have been incredibly welcoming to myself and Ruth, and we were invited to about 5 different dinners on our first Sunday night here.  On my first day everyone was introducing themselves and making sure we were OK.  One of the teachers asked if they could join me for lunch, and some of the Year (*sigh*) Grade 7 boys asked me to play soccer as well.  In just two weeks I'm already starting to feel right at home at Logos.  I've even managed to smuggle Ruth in to join me for lunch a few times.

As a teacher, it's great to be in a position where the majority of my time is spent actually teaching kids, and kids who want to learn.  It's exciting to have a chance to be a part of the development of the next generation in a place where a strong moral grounding is desperately needed in so many areas.

So overall, this has been a very positive week for us here in Cambodia, with the dust finally settling after many months of motion (Metaphorically.  Definitely not literally).

Sunday, 1 February 2015

A New Home

We've found our new house!

So all last week I was searching and visiting houses that Ben and I could move into for the next 1-2 years. After much travelling here there and everywhere, I turned to an ad in the ICF newsletter (an information email for Christians in Phnom Penh). Ben and I went to view it together at the end of last week, and have decided it's the place for us! We will be renting the ground floor of a 2-story Khmer 'villa', with another family yet to live upstairs and the landlord living right next door.

                                                 (Yes it is even more orange in real life)

It has 2 bedrooms so perfect for guests to come and visit us (hint hint, come and visit!). The price is just right (nice and cheap because it is outside the city) and the location is brilliant. The land is tucked away in a quiet corner of the Russian Boulevard and Hanoi Road (you can look it up on google maps, it is near 'Sony street'), which means it is great for getting both me to town and Ben to Logos, but is away from the noise and hustle and bustle. There is also a market not 2min down the road which will be perfect for our fresh fruit and veg*.

Women were not on sale at this meat market.

*Ben and I have decided to only eat meat when we go out, to save me having to buy unknown red lumps hanging from hooks (and covered in flies) in the market, and the street vendors cook it best anyway!

 But back to the house... On Friday we discussed and drew up the contract and Saturday we signed it! We plan to move in next weekend. The landlord has a lovely Christian family, only the father speaks English (that said I think the mother understands but is shy to speak) and they have 2 kids, one of whom goes to Logos sometimes through a partner school.

 The place has naught in it but curtains, so last night we were trying to budget out how to afford basic things like a stove cooker and bed when our new landlord called to tell us they'd bought them for us! Not only that, but they (slightly due to a small mis-communication) kindly installed an air-conditioner for the bedroom and a hot water heater (YIPPEE!) for the shower. These we've agreed to pay them back for because they are certainly luxuries in this country! So with now a few basic things in our house, we'll be looking at buying a fridge and some furniture (probably mostly rattan/cane, they specialise in hand-making it here cheaply) and other basic things like kitchenware to make this house a home. We're so excited!